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Thursday, November 13, 2008

the theory of nakedness and other classics.

So I'm sitting here trying to figure out something to blog about...and again I'm reminded how lame blogging is.

I thought I'd pull out some oldies and post some classic flicks by the lewis bro's.

First up, "the theory of nakedness." I showed this to some people last night and brought some more people to support the cure to male oppression. Watch it, learn from it, love it.

Before I put the DVD in, one girl asked if it was okay to watch. You could read on her face that she thought I was putting in some kind of adult film...of course Rhett's naked legs on the cover didn't help give it the look of a wholesome video.

Next up is the ever famous car jump featuring our buddy Spack. It has almost 350,000 views on Youtube. Oh the good ole days when all we would do is jump cars and light things on fire. I think we should, once again, adopt this as our opening logo.


peace out...



Britt said...

oh, jabba was in there!!! I like how Kelly went to go check on ben, then decided he would rather see what was going on with the car..... Also, who were the girls at the very end?

Barb said...

Oh, those films bring back memories.....

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure Spack still hurts from that jump...poor kid.