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Friday, June 4, 2010

Making Fun of a Loser

So the other day while driving, Burke and I happened upon a loser in a blue Mustang, with pimp racing stripes. He/she was tail-gating everyone in sight. They were also trying to sell said Mustang, and so their number was written huge in the back window. The following conversation ensued...


I love screwing with people like this. It warms my tender heart.


elgringo said...

This made my day. You should have dressed up as cops and went to his house and been all like "Sir, do you know how fast you were driving?" And when he says "I wasn't driving, I'm in my house," you should let his dogs out again.

Rhett and Burke said...

Scott you are pure genius.

Barb said...

You guys are such rebellious stinkers.

ian clark said...

nice work guys- this is nothing short of amazing.

Britt said...

This still makes me laugh.

Unknown said...

Will you please post his number... This could be a great number to post on facebook: Drunk Dials Call: 801-XXX-XXXX